Course curriculum

  • 1

    Essentials of Engagement for Field Aid Workers

    • 01_Introduction to The Essentials of Engagement

    • 02_What is Engagement Really in Humanitarian Work?

    • 03_Why Engagement is SO important to generating more impact from your programmes?

    • 04_Engagement - Step 1 - It's All About the Goals!

    • 05_Engagement - Step 2 - Information Gathering & Delegation

    • 06_Engagement Must Be Targeted - How to do that

    • 07_Engagement with Armed Actors

    • 08_How to Build Relationships with Actors

    • 09_Real Example - Engagement with a Problematic Armed Actor (A dangerous one)

    • 10_Engaging with Communities - A Brief Overview

    • 11_Managing Perception - Do not Underestimate This!

    • 12_Some Final Words (And Examples)