How to Survive Incompetence

And Your Boss!

Why This Course is a Must For Any Front Line Worker

For Managers & the People they Manage!

Front Line Work almost always means too much to do and too little time. Working under the pressure of cuts, high turnover and no end to problems that need to be solved. It is exhausting! So many leave work they love because of incompetent managers and organisational hierarchies. Just never enough support and too many mistakes increase burnout and frustration. It doesn't have to be like that. This course is Quick & Dirty, (I know you never get enough time for these things), but it will change your work for the better, I promise. I've thrown in a bonus course to help you to Survive Your Boss too! (Just in case they haven't done the other one!) ;)


Incompetence is frustrating. Here's how you learn to see it and manage it. It's a game changer. You don't want to stay miserable, burnt out or frustrated every day do you? Your line of work is too important!


Management doesn't have to be a nightmare!

  • Knock Team Conflict On The Head

    There is nothing more miserable than dealing with the team conflict and personality clashes that come from frustrated team members. Learn how to nip this in the bud before it even starts.

  • Incompetence & Communication

    A lot of problems that look like incompetence are actually caused by poor communication skills, misunderstandings, and low emotional intelligence. Learn how to deal with all that in this course!

  • Workload Imbalance

    Stress causes poor performance & motivation. But what workload management? Teams with too much to do make more mistakes which cause more stress and frustration.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    01_Introduction To The Course

    • Introduction to The Course

    • Incompetence - Not a Black & White Matter!

    • Why is there SOOO much incompetence?

    • No-one is Incompetent - that's the key takeaway!

    • When there is incompetence in YOUR team

    • More on Detecting Incompetence

    • How to Manage Recruitment Errors

    • What to do about your own incompetence?

    • When your boss is incompetent!

    • Managing 'off site' hierarchical imcompetence

    • Managing 'experts' and 'advisors'

  • 2

    02. Surviving Your Boss

    • Introduction to Surviving Your Boss

    • The Boss Who is NEVER Satisfied

    • The Controlling Boss

    • The Boss Who Is Too Busy To Manage You

    • The Choatic Boss

    • The Dictator & Ruler

Your Trainer

I've seen it all!

Course Designer, Trainer, Mentor

Teresa Murray

I have been a front line worker and director since 2001, in perhaps one of the hardest professions. I studied management, read a load of management books, but I found nothing in them that related to the reality of managing or being managed. But all front line work is tough, rewarding too, if.... There are a lot of if's right? You may have gone into front line work to help people, or because your care, or because you wanted a varied career with never a dull moment. Adventure even! It doesn't matter why you got into it. What matters is that it makes you feel fulfilled and motivated, not miserable and burnt out. I designed these courses and more to help people doing the most difficult jobs, those who care in their different front line professions. Those that are focused on promoting the welfare of others - Firefighters, health care staff, social workers, aid workers, therapists, physiotherapists, carers for the disabled, crisis line workers, volunteers - the list could go on for ever.. I do what I do to support and help you not burn out. For me anyone who tries to help others, save lives, improve lives is a humanitarian - paid or unpaid. Enjoy these courses and join the community! It's free.

Don't Quit Yet!

If you dread going to work, this course is for you!

Transform your team from chaos to cohesion and don't let incompetence hinder your mission or sense of purpose! Enroll now and equip yourself with the skills to resolve conflicts, solve problems, and elevate performance."


  • Who is this course for?

    It's for anybody working any front-line job - by front line we mean emergency services, social services, therapists, non-profit sector, health care staff, fire fighters, ambulance staff, paramedics, etc. It's not just for managers because colleagues' performance too can affect our day-to-day. It will benefit anyone who has to work under pressure in high-turnover jobs.

  • How long can I access the course?

    Once you buy the course, it is yours for life, you can do it as often as you like. It helps change how you see things, so if you do it, and apply it, your working life will improve!

  • Is there a place I can ask questions to the instructor?

    Yes. As soon as you buy the course, you will be guided to how all that works!

  • Is there a certificate at the end?

    If you want one. But why would you? This is all about dealing with incompetence. It's daily work, as is management.